Principles of Instruction and Learning
Knowledge Base
A portfolio created by Autumn Elniski.
Classic Example: A mouse pressing a lever to yield cheese (Stimulus, Response, Positive Reinforcement)
Learning is described as "a relatively permanent change in observable behavior based on experience" (Koszalka, 2018a).
Internal thought processes not included
Behavior required for learning
Knowledge is acquired
Learning not limited to humans
Control - Environment. Behavior function of environment
Programmed Instruction
Mastery Learning
Criterion Referenced Instruction
Classic Example: Information being received from the senses, processed mentally, and stored into mental maps (Input, Processing, Schema, Assimilation/Accomodation)
Learning is described as "a relatively permanent change in mental representations as a result of experience" (Koszalka, 2018b).
Internal thought processes included
Behavior not required for learning
Knowledge is acquired
Learning limited to humans
Control - Human thought. Environment is a function of behavior (we organize)
Advanced Organizers
Meaningful Learning
Gagne's Conditions of Learning
"I can hit the doll!"
"I shouldn't hit the doll"
Classic Example: An observer watching a model hit a Bobo doll and displaying aggression depending on the response to the behaviors (Vicarious Reinforcement/Punishment)
Learning is described as "a construction of those behavior patterns which society expects" (Koszalka, 2018c).
Internal thought processes included
Behavior not required for learning
Knowledge is constructed
Learning limited to humans
Shared control - Environment, Behavior, Perceptions
Collaborative Learning
Observational Learning
Reciprocal Teaching