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Social Learning

What is a Learning Theory and an Instructional Design Theory? 


A learning theory describes how we learn. We can refer to humans, animals, and a variety of other organisms depending upon the learning theory. Instructional Design Theories prescribes how we should design instruction and facilitate learning so that it is successful. Instructional Design Theories are informed by Learning Theories. 

How Does Social Learning Theory Describe Learning?


According to Social Learning as a Learning Theory, learning is a "construction of those behavior patterns which society expects" (Koszalka, 2018). Learners abstract information by observing the behaviors and concequences of others, make decisions about their obervations and which behaviors to adopt, and later enact those behaviors they believe to be acceptable. They differentiate which conditions these behaviors are not acceptable under as well. Mental processing is a key tool in the construction of this knowledge as the mechanisms of learning in Social Learning are shared between the environment, behavior, and the perceptions of the individual themselves. Learning can vary by culture to culture, between individuals within the same culture, and from situation to situation within the same individual. Social Learning is NOT a combiantion of Behaviorism and Cognitivism!

Information Concerning Social Learning


This knowledge base presents information about Social Learning in many forms. 

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