Principles of Instruction and Learning
Knowledge Base
A portfolio created by Autumn Elniski.
Examples of Instructional Design Theories
Programmed Instruction
This video shows a basic module in action that implements programmed instruction. Frames are presented with information that students then answer questions about one at a time. Incorrect answers prompt the user to try again. One improvement I would make for this example is to provide feedback at the incorrect answer as opposed to just saying "retry" as it might prompt students to just continuously click any answer until they can move on to the next question.
Check out this video and this video !
The first video doesn't necessarily show all the steps of mastery learning but rather the benefits of its application. By having modules that students need to master in order to move on, the instructor can better see where each student is in their learning and create more individualized educational programs to help them learn the material.
The second video details a program design called the "Grid Method" for mastery learning. Students are given information through different types of media (slideshows, videos, etc). Practice activities are provided for students to promote mastery of content. Students are then required to take online quizzes about the information at their own pace. To make this more focused on mastery learning at the assessment level, I would require students to achieve a minimum mastery-level score before being able to move on to the next unit in the course.
Criterion Referenced Instruction
Check out this video and this document!
The first video is one that is used in the course to describe the process of criterion referenced learning as it pertains to instructional design, but I feel it is a very useful video for people who want to know the core aspects of criterion referenced learning and how it is applied to instructional design.
The second link is a rather lengthy thesis/dissertation on work with criterion referenced instruction, but looking at pages in the methodology section (Chapter 3) seem to be useful. In this study, evaluation of prior knowledge and specific criterion (objectives) a band needed to meet for an assessment were evaluated with a group of teenage students. Instruction to meet the criterion developed after the research into the prior knowledge and requirements of the students was performed. A specific marching pattern was focused on with this group of students, with instruction that addressed some of their learning struggles, such as attenion. This is useful as an example of criterion referenced instruction because it describes some of the "real world" research that needs to go into creating instructional methods for criterion based instruction.